
Bennett & Walsh, 2022. ‘The SubMerge Project: Autistic Embodiment and the Extended Bodymind.’ Artlink 42, no. 2: 92–98.

“In developing the SubMerge project, Bennett and Walsh seek to communicate an awareness of
merged entanglement and extended sensorium, not only for autistic embodiment but for all waterbodies
and bodies of water beyond a therapeutic function. The experience of ‘merging’ water and body may
assist deeper environmental and social conversations between neurotypical and neuro-atypical people, between artist and environmentalist, between neuroqueers and our wider communities. At its heart is a desire to enhance inter-species and inter-environmental relations. […] SubMerge facilitates the embodied awareness that we are inseparable from our environment, and that cognition is diffused beyond the boundaries of the skin. It is this direct experience of empathy and connectedness that is required in a time of environmental crisis. We are queer-kin, a thing amongst things, water within water.”

About Alison Bennett